Queen Headline A Big Week On The 20 20

Monday - it's all about Queen!
Yes, before "Bohemian Rhapsody" takes over the cinemas - Queen is taking over the 20 20 Retro Countdown. Don't miss the top 20 Queen hits as they charted here in Australia... and along the way we'll go behind the story of the songs, learn more about the band and hear from the cast of the movie. I've seen it - I loved it - and I haven't been able to get the songs out of my head since.. so this is a great way to celebrate the movie and the hits of one of the greatest rock bands of all time -QUEEN!
Tuesday - It's the Na Na Na Hits!
Join us for the top 20 songs with Na Na Na in the lyrics... and along the way we'll discover some of the other places where you've heard Na Na Na-ing.. like in this classic tv theme. The top 20 features 2 hits from the king of pop - the world wide number 1 distributed by a college student - and the Beatles hit featuring over 4 minutes of Na Na Na's... All that and more as we roll out the Na Na Na 20 20 Retro Countdown!
Wednesday - Happy Halloween!
No tricks - this countdown is a treat with the top 20 hits featuring evil, the dead, werewolves, withches and other spooky themes! We'll also feature some of the best halloween moment from US sitcoms... probably the place where Australian's learnt to appreciate the celebration. So make sure you've got lollies for the kids trick or treating.. and turn up the "Halloween Hits" 20 20 Retro Countdown!
Thursday - Break out the party hats, it's birthday time!
Yes, it's the November birthdays countdown featuring the singer who crossed over from Christian music to have a couple of hits in the early 90's.. there's the rocker formerly known as William Broad and at number - the Canadian musician who's got no plans to slow down even into his 60's! We'll also roll through the other celebrities on the November birthday list.. and it's a busy time in my family for birthdays - so I better send out some cheerios there too - on the November birthdays 20 20 Retro Countdown!
Friday - We're taking a trip around the world!
Our 20 20 takes us around the world playing songs about destinations including Bangkok, Memphis, Rome, Khe Sanh, Chicago, Waterloo, London, Barbados, Harlem and Kokomo. So pack up for a musical trip around he world on the 20 20 Retro Countdown!