Songs That Stop And Start


Don't miss our countdown of the songs that pause for a moment - and then get going again.. sometimes more than once... it's our songs that stop and start countdown...

and I have to share a story while we're at it - I had a good radio mate many years ago who used to play animal sound effects during those pauses in songs on air... it wasn't uncommon to hear a cow or chickens during that pregnant pause in Roxette's "The Look",,,

In this countdown... we'll hear the song with plenty of stops and starts that signalled the start of two careers... the band who recorded it - and the film career of this actor...


And also coming in this countdown - the stop and start song that was once voted the most likely song to start a man crying...


That song and 19 more that pause - feature in the Songs that stop and start 20 20 Retro Countdown.