Oz Music


We're celebrating Oz Music Month on the 20 20 Retro Countdown - which gives us the chance to go back and re-visit the countdowns we've done with some great Aussie artists..

Do you remember when we featured 20 songs chosen by Joe Camilleri?


20 20 Joe 1

As well as playing 20 songs and artists that have inspired him..

We'll go back to the Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons days and discover how he came up with that name...


20 20 Jo2


What did Joe get up to between Jo Jo Zep and the Black Sorrows... and how did get back into playing music regularly?


20 20 Black Sorrows


Don't miss the songs chosen, and the stories told... by our Oz Music Month guest - Joe Camilleri - on the 20 20 Retro Countdown!