

Something different in the next 20 20 Retro Countdown... something we have never attempted before..

You might have played with word trains before... maybe on a long trip in the car or at a trivia night.. essentially, it's a group of words or titles of a subject linked by letters or words...

So - we have set ourselves a challenge.. to link all 20 songs in the 20 20 Retro Countdown by their titles.. the last word of one title is the first word of the next...

Now, there are some rules... can't use the same artist more than twice and can't use the first word of a song more than twice...And you have to use the whole word... you can't end one song with "Girl" and start the next with "Girls"

See if you can create a song train of your own.... and don't miss the 20 20 Retro Countdown to see if we can do it!

For our song train... we're starting with this song..




Also.... this week we will be joined by an 80's music icon... can't wait!

Don't want to give it away yet - but I have been adding clues to our website..

How about this clue??!!

